So, What Exactly Does YST CRM Have
That I Should Care About?
YST CRM = Easy to Use + Modern + Affordable
Specially designed for small and medium businesses
Escape the overload of using too many software tools
Balance work and life effectively
Peace of mind with support and after-sales service
Try for Free,
Buy if Satisfied
Platform for Management & Automation for Small Businesses
Number of Employees
Under 20 employees
20 - 50 employees
50 - 100 employees
Over 100 employees
Interested Features?
1. Marketing & Sales Automation
2. Financial & Cash Flow Management
3. Recruitment & HR Training
4. Digitizing Operational Processes
5. Overall Management
Purpose of Use?
1. Have an issue to resolve
2. Looking for ways to speed up - grow
3. Satisfied with the current situation